Account Registration:
Visit the Global Metropolitan Bank website or download the Global Metropolitan Bank mobile app.
Click on 'Sign Up' or 'Register' to create a new account.
Fill in the required information, including your full name, email address, phone number, and create a password.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.
Logging In:
Log in to Your Global Metropolitan Bank Account:
Open the Global Metropolitan Bank website or mobile app.
Enter your registered email address and password.
Click on 'Log In' to access your Global Metropolitan Bank account dashboard.
Navigating the Dashboard:
Dashboard Overview:
Once logged in, you will see an overview of your account, including account balances, recent transactions, and available services.
Navigate through the different sections such as 'Accounts', 'Transfers', 'Payments', and more to manage your finances.
Key Features:
To send money, go to the 'Transfers' section and follow the instructions provided in the previous FAQ on sending money online.
Payments and Collections:
Manage and organize your payments and collections efficiently through the dedicated sections on the dashboard.
Global Account and International Transfers:
Utilize the 'Global Account' and 'International Transfers' features to manage your finances and send money abroad seamlessly.
Support and Assistance:
Customer Support:
For any questions or assistance, you can contact Global Metropolitan Bank customer support through the 'Support' or 'Contact Us' section available on the website or app..